Space Invaders

I just got back from a prayer getaway and since returning a hundred things came to mind before praying did. Of course, then the hundredth and one thing popped on in, I thought, I should pray. Thankfully, I didn’t start the conversation. In fact, sometimes it’s much easier when God starts first. God knows that I am a mom and all that entails. I also think God knows that I’m probably an undiagnosed ADHD believer, as God often has to interrupt me to get my attention. Can I get an Amen?

Tonight God interrupted me through two lovely space invaders. One space invader I gave birth to, the other one I bought. Of course, I would never say, “I bought a kid.” However, I did buy this kid; he is my dog. So two children (one by birth, another by bucks) got so close that they only left me with an approximately 2-foot square on my king size bed! Thanks to Google I found out the length or footage of a king size bed is 76 x 80. Therefore, my child and dog had up to 74 x 78 feet. Granted they didn’t take it all, but they crowded me into this little upper right-hand corner in which I had no space. They invaded!

Ironically earlier this evening I told my husband, I wish I could hide in a closet or a cubby hole. Since being gone this weekend, I didn’t have any invaders. I had space. I had my own room! It was lovely.

Tonight as the hundredth and one thing popped into my head, I realized why I should pray. God wants to invade my space! God wants to get close. From experience, I’ve sometimes learned when God wants to get close it isn’t always fun. Sometimes God wants to clean out the closet. You too may know it isn’t always fun until after the closet is clean. But tonight, I knew God wanted to be present with me. God wanted to spend time with me. Like my dog and child all snuggled up so close. God wanted to invade my space.

When I started to pray, I said, “God, thanks for invading my space. Thanks for being present even when I’m not thinking of you. You always want to be so close. You are such a good father. You teach me in so many ways. I love my space invaders. Thanks for interrupting me through them. Thanks for teaching me how to pray.”